Dream and Differ

domingo, 9 de enero de 2011

Dream and Differ

"Blessed are the poor (donate heavily). Blessed are the meek (obey). Blessed are the humble (don’t question authority). Blessed are the hungry (make us rich until it hurts). Blessed are the merciful (if you catch us doing something wrong, let it go). Blessed are the pure of heart (because your brains are switched off). Blessed are the timid, the cowardly, the fearful. Blessed are those who give us their power and become our slaves."
-the pope [citation needed]

welcome stalker,
you are about to read a text that will most likely inspire a religion in the future, these are my memoirs, my thoughts and the stories of the odyssey that is my life

Chapter 1: we are not all the same:
Thinking is a gift humans have, yet so many people don't use it, it is a shame really, we have potential to do great things and almost no one does.

the baby's potential isn't infinite, and no matter what your mother or teacher told you, people with potential for great things constitute less than 1% of the worlds population, not all of us have a daemon (pronounced die-ehh-mon) inside of us, Socrates had one and I have one.
Arrogance is only a sign of a megalomaniac when it is unsustained.

If you apply yourself in school you might get an A+ for effort and you might even get an A+ for the actual work but, the other guy who without studying one minute got an A++, is simply better than you. There is no denying this, you might have worked harder than him, but if he tried he could beat you by a bigger mile than he already has

which brings me back to my point:
the baby's potential knows boundaries, genes play one of the biggest part on it, a great achievement for you might be a nobel prize or landing a job flipping burgers at McDonnal's, it is depressing, yes, but completely true.

Life is so unfair, that winning the gene lottery does not mean you have it made, are your parents rich or not?
how good was your school?, was that particular system the best way for you to seize your potential?

This is why life is unfair, chances are that somewhere in your life your parents could have made a decision that would have been much much better for you than what actually happened, and you will never get to be as good as you could have been, not that it matters because you will never know how good you could have been.

Luck has such a big part on life that it is undeniable proof that Zeus is messing with us. And this is something you won't find on any self help book, because telling people that it doesn't matter weather or not they have good intentions, wether or not they have committed a crime or wether or not they have talent, is depressing.

another curious thing about self-help books, specially the ones that hold the "key to success" or "100% proven ways to get rich" is that they are filled with hypocritical bullshit (that's the worst kind).
How did the people who wrote them became rich? not by using their methods but by writing books, that's why I am cutting out the middle man and writing a book called "the key to success, how to write a book about the key to success" - which will be available next year wherever books are sold.

I don't like people who do not care, i am not talking about animal rights or politics or anything in concrete, but rather people who just don't care about anything, not even the things that they allegedly like.
I like people who are constantly self improving, who break the norm and who don't call everything "lame" or show indifference by using the mainly latin term "X".
it is exhausting to be frank, passionate conversations about anything are the food for the mind and especially if the other person is on a different position that the one you stand on, of course that for an argument to take place you have to respect the mind of your opponent, which can only happen in a very reduced list of subjects.

For example, I consider arguments regarding religion to be the most gigantic waste of time on earth, atheist - theist debates are a phenomena so astoundingly ridiculous that they are worth a special mention.

Circular logic is the only thing religion has going for it, I've been submerged in arguments where the other person is just saying god is real because the bible tells us so and the bible is real because god wrote it.

Just look at the religion and spirituality section in Yahoo Answers (which in my opinion should be renamed "reason and insanity") and you will find three kinds of questions:
1) questions directed at atheists from ignorant christians eg. pascal's wager's argument, (which is retarded because there are so many mutually contradictory and exclusive religions in the world) and my personal favorite, "ATHEIST: why do you believe in evolution if it has been refuted so many times????"

2) questions from atheists that just want people to say that their questions are smart, eg. "why does god make us sin, he created evil after all"

3) questions which were placed on the wrong category eg. "which color should I dye my hair?"

but back to the original point, you have to respect the mind of your opponent for an argument to take place, and even though "you have to respect other's beliefs" I don't respect the intelligence of a theist that can only talk in bible or qur'an quotes.

I do however respect people who think there is a god because they arrived to said conclusion by (in my opinion flawed) logic.
posted by Ian Shanks at 22:56 0 comments